1 | Count To 120 | Learn to count sequentially from 1 to 20. |
1 | Count To 120 | Practice writing numerals from 1 to 20. |
1 | Count To 120 | Identify numbers 1 to 20 when presented visually. |
1 | Count To 120 | Learn to count sequentially from 1 to 50. |
1 | Count To 120 | Practice writing numerals from 1 to 50. |
1 | Count To 120 | Identify numbers 1 to 50 when presented visually. |
1 | Count To 120 | Learn to count sequentially from 1 to 100. |
1 | Count To 120 | Practice writing numerals from 1 to 100. |
1 | Count To 120 | Learn to count sequentially from 1 to 120. |
1 | Count To 120 | Practice counting starting at any number less than 120. |
1 | Understand Place Value | Recognize individual digits from 0 to 9. |
1 | Understand Place Value | Combine single digits to form two-digit numbers. |
1 | Understand Place Value | Break down two-digit numbers into tens and ones. |
1 | Understand Place Value | Recognize the first digit in a two-digit number as tens. |
1 | Understand Place Value | Recognize the second digit in a two-digit number as ones. |
1 | Understand Place Value | Understand that the digit in the tens place represents tens. |
1 | Understand Place Value | Understand that the digit in the ones place represents ones. |
1 | Understand Place Value | Recognize groups of ten as tens. |
1 | Understand Place Value | Compare the value of digits in the tens and ones place. |
1 | Understand Place Value | Represent two-digit numbers using tens and ones. |
1 | Addition Within 20 | Add by counting up from the larger number. |
1 | Addition Within 20 | Recognize that adding zero doesn't change the number. |
1 | Addition Within 20 | Understand that adding one increases the number by one. |
1 | Addition Within 20 | Memorize and use addition facts where both addends are the same. |
1 | Addition Within 20 | Add using doubles facts plus one or minus one. |
1 | Addition Within 20 | Break down numbers to add by making ten first. |
1 | Addition Within 20 | Break a number into smaller parts to make it easier to add. |
1 | Addition Within 20 | Identify pairs of numbers that add up to ten. |
1 | Addition Within 20 | Use knowledge of addition facts to solve related subtraction problems. |
1 | Addition Within 20 | Add numbers using a number line for visualization. |
1 | Subtraction Within 20 | Subtract by counting backward by ones from the starting number. |
1 | Subtraction Within 20 | Subtract by counting backward by twos from the starting number. |
1 | Subtraction Within 20 | Use a number line as a visual aid to subtract numbers. |
1 | Subtraction Within 20 | Memorize basic subtraction facts within 10. |
1 | Subtraction Within 20 | Use physical objects to visually represent and solve subtraction problems. |
1 | Subtraction Within 20 | Understand how a whole number can be broken down into smaller parts, and use this to solve subtraction. |
1 | Subtraction Within 20 | Use the concept of decomposing numbers to make ten first, then subtract. |
1 | Subtraction Within 20 | Subtract numbers involving tens to simplify calculations. |
1 | Subtraction Within 20 | Understand and use fact families to see the relationship between addition and subtraction. |
1 | Subtraction Within 20 | Apply the concept that subtraction is the inverse of addition. |
1 | Relate Addition And Subtraction | Understanding the idea of combining two or more groups. |
1 | Relate Addition And Subtraction | Understanding the idea of removing or finding the difference between groups. |
1 | Relate Addition And Subtraction | Learning terms like 'sum,' 'add,' and 'plus.' |
1 | Relate Addition And Subtraction | Learning terms like 'difference,' 'minus,' and 'subtract.' |
1 | Relate Addition And Subtraction | Forming and solving equations such as a + b = c. |
1 | Relate Addition And Subtraction | Forming and solving equations such as a - b = c. |
1 | Relate Addition And Subtraction | Solving simple addition and subtraction word problems. |
1 | Relate Addition And Subtraction | Understanding related addition and subtraction facts. |
1 | Relate Addition And Subtraction | Understanding that addition can undo subtraction and vice versa. |
1 | Relate Addition And Subtraction | Achieving fluency with addition and subtraction facts within 20. |
1 | Solve Word Problems | Practice counting physical objects to understand quantities. |
1 | Solve Word Problems | Identify situations or keywords that indicate addition in word problems. |
1 | Solve Word Problems | Identify situations or keywords that indicate subtraction in word problems. |
1 | Solve Word Problems | Use a number line to visualize addition and subtraction. |
1 | Solve Word Problems | Draw pictures to represent and solve addition and subtraction word problems. |
1 | Solve Word Problems | Write equations to represent word problems. |
1 | Solve Word Problems | Use physical objects to model addition and subtraction scenarios. |
1 | Solve Word Problems | Solve simple addition and subtraction word problems using sums and differences up to 10. |
1 | Solve Word Problems | Use a symbol (e.g., a question mark or a blank) to represent the unknown number in an equation. |
1 | Solve Word Problems | Solve more complex word problems involving sums and differences up to 20. |
1 | Compare Numbers | Recognize and count groups of tens in two-digit numbers. |
1 | Compare Numbers | Recognize and count individual ones in two-digit numbers. |
1 | Compare Numbers | Form two-digit numbers using tens and ones. |
1 | Compare Numbers | Compare two-digit numbers based on the quantity of tens. |
1 | Compare Numbers | Compare two-digit numbers based on the quantity of ones when tens are equal. |
1 | Compare Numbers | Use the less than symbol (<) to compare two-digit numbers. |
1 | Compare Numbers | Use the equal to symbol (=) to compare two-digit numbers. |
1 | Compare Numbers | Practice comparing various two-digit numbers using symbols. |
1 | Understand Time | Identify the hour hand on analog clocks. |
1 | Understand Time | Identify the minute hand on analog clocks. |
1 | Understand Time | Learn and recall the positions of numbers on an analog clock. |
1 | Understand Time | Read and interpret hours on a digital clock. |
1 | Understand Time | Tell time to the half-hour on both analog and digital clocks. |
1 | Understand Time | Draw times to the exact hour on an analog clock face. |
1 | Understand Shapes | Identify and describe attributes of squares. |
1 | Understand Shapes | Identify and describe attributes of circles. |
1 | Understand Shapes | Identify and describe attributes of triangles. |
1 | Understand Shapes | Identify and describe attributes of rectangles. |
1 | Understand Shapes | Identify and describe attributes of hexagons. |
1 | Understand Shapes | Identify and describe attributes of cubes. |
1 | Understand Shapes | Identify and describe attributes of cones. |
1 | Understand Shapes | Identify and describe attributes of cylinders. |
1 | Understand Shapes | Identify and describe attributes of spheres. |
1 | Understand Shapes | Combine simple shapes to form larger shapes. |
1 | Measure Lengths | Recognize the concept of length in objects. |
1 | Measure Lengths | Use terms like long, short, tall, and small correctly. |
1 | Measure Lengths | Directly compare the lengths of two objects. |
1 | Measure Lengths | Order three objects by their lengths. |
1 | Measure Lengths | Compare lengths of two objects indirectly using a third object. |
1 | Measure Lengths | Understand the concept of standard and non-standard units to measure length. |
1 | Measure Lengths | Measure lengths using everyday items such as paperclips or blocks. |
1 | Measure Lengths | Use the same unit repeatedly to measure lengths. |
1 | Measure Lengths | Directly measure length using rulers or measuring tape. |
1 | Measure Lengths | Record measurements accurately. |