2 | Partition Shapes | Apply fractions in real-world contexts, like sharing. |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Identify and describe fractions with denominators of 2 (halves). |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Identify and describe fractions with denominators of 3 (thirds). |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Identify and describe fractions with denominators of 4 (fourths). |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Understand that fractions represent numbers and can be used to describe parts of a whole. |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Compare simple fractions using visual models. |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Add simple fractions with like denominators. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Grasp the concept of fractions as parts of a whole. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Identify fractions that represent the same value. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Use visual aids to compare fractions with like denominators. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Place and compare fractions on a number line. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Compare fractions by evaluating their numerators when denominators are the same. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Use symbols (<, >, =) to compare fractions. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Arrange fractions with like denominators in ascending or descending order. |
4 | Fractions As Numbers | Recognize and generate simple fractions to represent parts of a whole. |
4 | Fractions As Numbers | Place fractions correctly on a number line. |
4 | Fractions As Numbers | Understand and identify equivalent fractions. |
4 | Fractions As Numbers | Generate equivalent fractions with visual aids. |
4 | Fractions As Numbers | Simplify fractions by finding common factors. |
4 | Fractions As Numbers | Compare fractions with the same denominator. |
4 | Fractions As Numbers | Compare fractions with different denominators. |
4 | Fractions As Numbers | Order fractions from least to greatest and vice versa. |
4 | Fractions As Numbers | Understand and represent mixed numbers and improper fractions. |
4 | Fractions As Numbers | Break down a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator. |
4 | Fraction Operations | Recognizing and writing fractions to represent equal parts of a whole. |
4 | Fraction Operations | Understanding the size of fractions with the same denominator. |
4 | Fraction Operations | Identifying and generating equivalent fractions. |
4 | Fraction Operations | Placing fractions on a number line. |
4 | Fraction Operations | Adding fractions with the same denominator. |
4 | Fraction Operations | Subtracting fractions with the same denominator. |
4 | Fraction Operations | Solving real-world problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators. |
4 | Decimal Concepts | Converting fractions with a denominator of 10 to decimal notation. |
4 | Decimal Concepts | Converting fractions with a denominator of 100 to decimal notation. |
5 | Adding And Subtracting Fractions | Recognize and understand fractions. |
5 | Adding And Subtracting Fractions | Determine a common denominator for two fractions. |
5 | Adding And Subtracting Fractions | Convert fractions to equivalent fractions with a common denominator. |
5 | Adding And Subtracting Fractions | Add fractions that already have the same denominator. |
5 | Adding And Subtracting Fractions | Subtract fractions that already have the same denominator. |
5 | Adding And Subtracting Fractions | Add fractions with different denominators. |
5 | Adding And Subtracting Fractions | Subtract fractions with different denominators. |
5 | Adding And Subtracting Fractions | Reduce fractions to their simplest form. |
5 | Adding And Subtracting Fractions | Add and subtract mixed numbers and improper fractions. |
5 | Adding And Subtracting Fractions | Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions. |
5 | Multiplying And Dividing Fractions | Grasp the concept of fractions as parts of a whole. |
5 | Multiplying And Dividing Fractions | Multiply two fractions together. |
5 | Multiplying And Dividing Fractions | Reduce fractions to their simplest form after multiplication. |
5 | Multiplying And Dividing Fractions | Understand the meaning of dividing fractions in real-world contexts. |
5 | Multiplying And Dividing Fractions | Solve word problems involving multiplication and division of fractions. |
5 | Multiplying And Dividing Fractions | Check the reasonableness of answers involving operations with fractions. |
5 | Data Interpretation | Identify and mark basic fractions (1/2, 1/4, 3/4) on line plots |
5 | Data Interpretation | Plot data points that are fractions on a line plot |
6 | Unit Rates And Percents | Converting fractions to percentages. |
6 | Dividing Fractions By Fractions | Identify numerators, denominators, and understand what fractions represent. |
6 | Dividing Fractions By Fractions | Generate and recognize equivalent fractions using visual models. |
6 | Dividing Fractions By Fractions | Reduce fractions to their simplest form. |
6 | Dividing Fractions By Fractions | Multiply two fractions and understand the process. |
6 | Dividing Fractions By Fractions | Explain division of fractions using visual models and real-life examples. |
6 | Dividing Fractions By Fractions | Divide fractions by whole numbers and simplify the result. |
6 | Dividing Fractions By Fractions | Solve basic word problems involving the division of fractions by fractions. |
6 | Dividing Fractions By Fractions | Solve complex real-world problems involving the division of fractions by fractions, including multiple steps. |
7 | Rational Numbers | Recognize and identify rational numbers, including integers, fractions, and decimals. |
7 | Rational Numbers | Understand and perform addition with fractions having like and unlike denominators. |
7 | Rational Numbers | Understand and perform subtraction with fractions having like and unlike denominators. |
7 | Rational Numbers | Apply all four arithmetic operations in multi-step problems involving integers, fractions, and decimals. |
7 | Ratio And Proportional Relationships | Find unit rates of ratios involving fractions. |
7 | Problem-Solving With Rational Numbers And Proportions | Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. |
7 | Problem-Solving With Rational Numbers And Proportions | Converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers and performing operations. |
8 | Rational And Irrational Numbers | Recognize and identify rational numbers in various forms (fractions, decimals, integers). |
8 | Rational And Irrational Numbers | Convert given fractions into their decimal equivalents. |
8 | Linear Equations And Inequalities | Solve linear equations that involve fractions. |