2 | Even And Odd Numbers | Recognize numbers that are divisible by 2. |
2 | Even And Odd Numbers | Recognize numbers that are not divisible by 2. |
2 | Even And Odd Numbers | Practice counting numbers by increments of 2 starting from 0. |
2 | Even And Odd Numbers | Group objects into pairs to visually understand even and odd. |
2 | Even And Odd Numbers | Use a number line to identify even and odd numbers up to 20. |
2 | Even And Odd Numbers | Write out a list of even numbers within a given range. |
2 | Even And Odd Numbers | Write out a list of odd numbers within a given range. |
2 | Even And Odd Numbers | Recognize and create patterns using even numbers. |
2 | Even And Odd Numbers | Recognize and create patterns using odd numbers. |
2 | Even And Odd Numbers | Differentiate between even and odd numbers when mixed together. |
2 | Place Value Understanding | Understand and identify the hundreds place in a three-digit number. |
2 | Place Value Understanding | Understand and identify the tens place in a three-digit number. |
2 | Place Value Understanding | Understand and identify the ones place in a three-digit number. |
2 | Place Value Understanding | Write three-digit numbers accurately from dictation or prompts. |
2 | Place Value Understanding | Break down three-digit numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones. |
2 | Place Value Understanding | Combine hundreds, tens, and ones to form a three-digit number. |
2 | Place Value Understanding | Use place value understanding to compare three-digit numbers. |
2 | Place Value Understanding | Arrange three-digit numbers in ascending or descending order based on place value. |
2 | Place Value Understanding | Express three-digit numbers in expanded form (e.g., 234 = 200 + 30 + 4). |
2 | Addition And Subtraction Within 20 | Students should be able to add two numbers where both numbers are 5 or less. |
2 | Addition And Subtraction Within 20 | Students should be able to subtract two numbers where the minuend and subtrahend are 5 or less. |
2 | Addition And Subtraction Within 20 | Students should be able to add two numbers where both numbers are 10 or less. |
2 | Addition And Subtraction Within 20 | Students should be able to subtract two numbers where the minuend and subtrahend are 10 or less. |
2 | Addition And Subtraction Within 20 | Students should be able to add numbers where the sum is just above 10, such as 8 + 5. |
2 | Addition And Subtraction Within 20 | Students should be able to subtract numbers where the difference crosses 10, such as 13 - 7. |
2 | Addition And Subtraction Within 20 | Students should be able to fluently add doubled numbers, such as 6 + 6. |
2 | Addition And Subtraction Within 20 | Students should be able to fluently subtract using double facts, such as 12 - 6. |
2 | Addition And Subtraction Within 20 | Students should be able to use the 'making ten' strategy to simplify addition, such as breaking down 9 + 7 into (9 + 1) + 6. |
2 | Addition And Subtraction Within 20 | Students should be able to use known addition and subtraction facts to derive relationships within 20, such as knowing 8 + 7 helps solve 15 - 8. |
2 | Use Of Place Value To Add And Subtract | Understand the value of tens and ones in a two-digit number. |
2 | Use Of Place Value To Add And Subtract | Represent numbers using tens and ones. |
2 | Use Of Place Value To Add And Subtract | Compare two-digit numbers based on the value of tens and ones. |
2 | Use Of Place Value To Add And Subtract | Count within 100 by tens. |
2 | Use Of Place Value To Add And Subtract | Add two-digit numbers using place value strategies. |
2 | Use Of Place Value To Add And Subtract | Add multiples of 10 to two-digit numbers. |
2 | Use Of Place Value To Add And Subtract | Subtract two-digit numbers using place value strategies. |
2 | Use Of Place Value To Add And Subtract | Subtract multiples of 10 from two-digit numbers. |
2 | Use Of Place Value To Add And Subtract | Understand and use regrouping in addition within 100. |
2 | Use Of Place Value To Add And Subtract | Understand and use regrouping in subtraction within 100. |
2 | Introduction To Measurement Tools | Learn what measurement means and its importance in everyday life. |
2 | Introduction To Measurement Tools | Recognize objects that can be used as non-standard units of measurement, such as paper clips or blocks. |
2 | Introduction To Measurement Tools | Choose an appropriate non-standard unit to measure an object. |
2 | Introduction To Measurement Tools | Make an educated guess about the length of an object using a chosen non-standard unit. |
2 | Introduction To Measurement Tools | Place non-standard units end-to-end without gaps or overlaps to measure an object. |
2 | Introduction To Measurement Tools | Use a non-standard unit to measure the length of an object by counting the units. |
2 | Introduction To Measurement Tools | Write down the measured length of an object using the chosen non-standard units. |
2 | Introduction To Measurement Tools | Compare the lengths of two objects by their measurements using non-standard units. |
2 | Introduction To Measurement Tools | Explain how two objects are different in length based on their non-standard measurement. |
2 | Introduction To Measurement Tools | Use proper terminology to describe measurement concepts, such as 'longer,' 'shorter,' and 'same length'. |
2 | Estimation And Comparison Of Length | Recognize and understand common units of length, such as inches, feet, centimeters, and meters. |
2 | Estimation And Comparison Of Length | Learn to use rulers and measuring tapes to measure length accurately. |
2 | Estimation And Comparison Of Length | Practice estimating the length of familiar objects and compare estimates to actual measurements. |
2 | Estimation And Comparison Of Length | Compare the lengths of two objects directly by placing them side by side. |
2 | Estimation And Comparison Of Length | Use terms like longer, shorter, and equal to compare lengths of objects. |
2 | Estimation And Comparison Of Length | Estimate the length of an object using a specified unit, such as measuring with a paper clip or a block. |
2 | Estimation And Comparison Of Length | Compare length estimates with actual measurements to check for accuracy and make adjustments. |
2 | Estimation And Comparison Of Length | Practice adding lengths of multiple objects to find a total length. |
2 | Estimation And Comparison Of Length | Practice subtracting the length of one object from another to find the difference. |
2 | Basic Shapes And Their Attributes | Identify circles in various contexts. |
2 | Basic Shapes And Their Attributes | Identify squares in various contexts. |
2 | Basic Shapes And Their Attributes | Identify triangles in various contexts. |
2 | Basic Shapes And Their Attributes | Recognize rectangles in various contexts. |
2 | Basic Shapes And Their Attributes | Draw circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles. |
2 | Basic Shapes And Their Attributes | Count the number of sides on shapes. |
2 | Basic Shapes And Their Attributes | Count the number of vertices on shapes. |
2 | Basic Shapes And Their Attributes | Describe shapes based on their attributes, like number of sides and vertices. |
2 | Basic Shapes And Their Attributes | Compare different shapes by their attributes. |
2 | Basic Shapes And Their Attributes | Combine basic shapes to create new shapes or figures. |
2 | Partition Shapes | Identify and recognize halves in circles and rectangles. |
2 | Partition Shapes | Divide circles and rectangles into two equal parts. |
2 | Partition Shapes | Identify and recognize thirds in circles and rectangles. |
2 | Partition Shapes | Divide circles and rectangles into three equal parts. |
2 | Partition Shapes | Identify and recognize quarters in circles and rectangles. |
2 | Partition Shapes | Divide circles and rectangles into four equal parts. |
2 | Partition Shapes | Name partitioned shares as halves, thirds, or quarters. |
2 | Partition Shapes | Understand terms like 'half,' 'third,' and 'quarter'. |
2 | Partition Shapes | Compare the size of halves, thirds, and quarters visually. |
2 | Partition Shapes | Apply fractions in real-world contexts, like sharing. |
2 | Introduction To Data Representation | Recognize and understand different types of data. |
2 | Introduction To Data Representation | Accurately count objects in a collection. |
2 | Introduction To Data Representation | Group objects based on common attributes. |
2 | Introduction To Data Representation | Use tally marks to record data. |
2 | Introduction To Data Representation | Understand the basic components of a bar graph. |
2 | Introduction To Data Representation | Construct a bar graph using collected data. |
2 | Introduction To Data Representation | Understand the basic components of a pictograph. |
2 | Introduction To Data Representation | Construct a pictograph using collected data. |
2 | Introduction To Data Representation | Interpret information presented in bar graphs and pictographs. |
2 | Introduction To Data Representation | Compare and contrast data presented in different graphs. |
2 | Money And Financial Literacy | Recognize and name different coins like pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. |
2 | Money And Financial Literacy | Recognize and name different bills such as $1, $5, $10. |
2 | Money And Financial Literacy | Understand the value of individual coins. |
2 | Money And Financial Literacy | Understand the value of individual bills. |
2 | Money And Financial Literacy | Add up different combinations of coins to find their total value. |
2 | Money And Financial Literacy | Add up different combinations of bills to find their total value. |
2 | Money And Financial Literacy | Add combinations of both coins and bills together to find their total value. |
2 | Money And Financial Literacy | Recognize and understand the symbols $ and ¢. |
2 | Money And Financial Literacy | Practice making simple purchases and giving exact amounts. |
2 | Money And Financial Literacy | Subtract amounts to make change for purchases. |