3 | Understanding Multiplication Concepts | Understand multiplication as repeated addition (e.g., 3 + 3 + 3 is the same as 3 x 3). |
3 | Understanding Multiplication Concepts | Identify equal groups in a set and describe them (e.g., 4 groups of 2 objects). |
3 | Understanding Multiplication Concepts | Write multiplication sentences based on repeated addition and equal groups (e.g., 4 x 2 = 8). |
3 | Understanding Multiplication Concepts | Use arrays to visually represent multiplication problems (e.g., 2 rows of 3). |
3 | Understanding Multiplication Concepts | Use skip counting as a method to find the product (e.g., count by 2s for 2 x 4). |
3 | Understanding Multiplication Concepts | Use a number line to show repeated jumps for multiplication (e.g., 3 jumps of 2 for 3 x 2). |
3 | Understanding Multiplication Concepts | Introduce and practice using multiplication tables to solve problems. |
3 | Understanding Multiplication Concepts | Understand that changing the order of factors does not change the product (e.g., 3 x 4 = 4 x 3). |
3 | Understanding Multiplication Concepts | Solve word problems involving multiplication by translating them into multiplication sentences. |
3 | Understanding Multiplication Concepts | Practice and memorize basic multiplication facts for quick recall. |
3 | Understanding Division Concepts | Understand terms like divisor, dividend, and quotient. |
3 | Understanding Division Concepts | Practice dividing objects into equal groups. |
3 | Understanding Division Concepts | Use repeated subtraction to understand division. |
3 | Understanding Division Concepts | Create equal groups from a total to grasp the concept of division. |
3 | Understanding Division Concepts | Show how multiplication facts relate to division facts. |
3 | Understanding Division Concepts | Write and solve division sentences. |
3 | Understanding Division Concepts | Understand and handle remainders in division. |
3 | Understanding Division Concepts | Construct fact families to connect multiplication and division. |
3 | Understanding Division Concepts | Solve word problems involving division. |
3 | Understanding Division Concepts | Learn basic divisibility rules for single-digit numbers. |
3 | Using Multiplication And Division Within 100 | Grasp the concept of multiplication as repeated addition. |
3 | Using Multiplication And Division Within 100 | Memorize and recall multiplication facts for the range 0-5. |
3 | Using Multiplication And Division Within 100 | Identify and list multiples of numbers within 100. |
3 | Using Multiplication And Division Within 100 | Grasp the concept of division as splitting into equal groups. |
3 | Using Multiplication And Division Within 100 | Memorize and recall division facts for the range 0-5. |
3 | Using Multiplication And Division Within 100 | Memorize and recall multiplication facts for the range 6-10. |
3 | Using Multiplication And Division Within 100 | Identify factors of numbers within 100. |
3 | Using Multiplication And Division Within 100 | Memorize and recall division facts for the range 6-10. |
3 | Using Multiplication And Division Within 100 | Apply multiplication and division to solve word problems. |
3 | Using Multiplication And Division Within 100 | Solve problems involving both multiplication and division. |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Recognize and understand a whole object or quantity. |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Identify and describe fractions with denominators of 2 (halves). |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Divide objects or quantities into two equal parts. |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Identify and describe fractions with denominators of 3 (thirds). |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Divide objects or quantities into three equal parts. |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Identify and describe fractions with denominators of 4 (fourths). |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Divide objects or quantities into four equal parts. |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Understand that fractions represent numbers and can be used to describe parts of a whole. |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Compare simple fractions using visual models. |
3 | Understanding Fractions As Numbers | Add simple fractions with like denominators. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Understand and locate the numerator in a fraction. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Understand and locate the denominator in a fraction. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Grasp the concept of fractions as parts of a whole. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Identify fractions that represent the same value. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Comprehend what having like denominators means. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Use visual aids to compare fractions with like denominators. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Place and compare fractions on a number line. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Compare fractions by evaluating their numerators when denominators are the same. |
3 | Comparing Fractions | Arrange fractions with like denominators in ascending or descending order. |
3 | Understanding Area And Perimeter | Understand and identify unit squares. |
3 | Understanding Area And Perimeter | Count the number of unit squares to find the area. |
3 | Understanding Area And Perimeter | Understand the concept of perimeter by counting edges. |
3 | Understanding Area And Perimeter | Measure the length of sides using a ruler or unit squares. |
3 | Understanding Area And Perimeter | Use addition to find the perimeter of a shape. |
3 | Understanding Area And Perimeter | Recognize that area is the amount of space inside a shape. |
3 | Understanding Area And Perimeter | Use multiplication to find the area of rectangles. |
3 | Understanding Area And Perimeter | Understand the difference between area and perimeter. |
3 | Understanding Area And Perimeter | Calculate area and perimeter of complex shapes by decomposing them. |
3 | Understanding Area And Perimeter | Solve word problems involving area and perimeter. |
3 | Understanding Properties Of Shapes | Recognize and name basic 2D shapes like squares, triangles, and circles. |
3 | Understanding Properties Of Shapes | Count the number of sides for various shapes. |
3 | Understanding Properties Of Shapes | Recognize and count the number of angles in shapes. |
3 | Understanding Properties Of Shapes | Group triangles based on side length and angles (equilateral, isosceles, right, etc.). |
3 | Understanding Properties Of Shapes | Recognize and name different types of quadrilaterals, like rectangles, squares, and parallelograms. |
3 | Understanding Properties Of Shapes | Compare and contrast shapes based on the number of sides. |
3 | Understanding Properties Of Shapes | Compare and contrast shapes based on the number of angles. |
3 | Understanding Properties Of Shapes | Recognize and name polygons up to 8 sides (pentagon, hexagon, etc.). |
3 | Understanding Properties Of Shapes | Identify lines of symmetry in various shapes. |
3 | Understanding Properties Of Shapes | Group shapes based on multiple properties, such as side length, angles, and symmetry. |
3 | Solving Measurement Problems | Learn different units of measurement for length, time, volume, and mass. |
3 | Solving Measurement Problems | Convert between different units of measurement within the same system. |
3 | Solving Measurement Problems | Read values on rulers, thermometers, measuring cups, and scales. |
3 | Solving Measurement Problems | Make reasonable estimates of length, time, volume, and mass. |
3 | Solving Measurement Problems | Measure lengths using standard units such as inches, feet, centimeters, and meters. |
3 | Solving Measurement Problems | Tell and measure time to the nearest minute using analog and digital clocks. |
3 | Solving Measurement Problems | Measure liquid volume using units such as liters, milliliters, cups, and gallons. |
3 | Solving Measurement Problems | Measure mass using units such as grams, kilograms, and pounds. |
3 | Solving Measurement Problems | Solve word problems involving the addition and subtraction of lengths. |
3 | Collecting And Representing Data | Recognize what data is and its importance. |
3 | Collecting And Representing Data | Gather information through observation and surveys. |
3 | Collecting And Representing Data | Sort the collected data into appropriate categories. |
3 | Collecting And Representing Data | Record data with tally marks. |
3 | Collecting And Representing Data | Organize data into frequency tables. |
3 | Collecting And Representing Data | Create and interpret picture graphs. |
3 | Collecting And Representing Data | Construct and read bar graphs. |
3 | Collecting And Representing Data | Identify and use titles and labels on graphs. |
3 | Collecting And Representing Data | Understand and apply intervals when creating graphs. |
3 | Collecting And Representing Data | Analyze and draw conclusions from various graphs. |
3 | Understanding And Using Place Value | Read multi-digit numbers correctly. |
3 | Understanding And Using Place Value | Identify the place value of each digit in a multi-digit number. |
3 | Understanding And Using Place Value | Write multi-digit numbers in standard form. |
3 | Understanding And Using Place Value | Compare multi-digit numbers using greater than, less than, or equal to. |
3 | Understanding And Using Place Value | Round multi-digit numbers to the nearest ten or hundred. |
3 | Understanding And Using Place Value | Break down numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones. |
3 | Understanding And Using Place Value | Add multi-digit numbers using place value concepts. |
3 | Understanding And Using Place Value | Subtract multi-digit numbers using place value concepts. |
3 | Understanding And Using Place Value | Recognize number patterns involving place value. |